Sunday, January 31, 2016

Find Your Joy & Share It

With the return of Joyful: The Pursuit of Life I have spent a lot of time thinking about what this means to me and what I want to accomplish with it. The invigoration that comes with the renewal of the cause gave me some clarity as to what I wanted to do and the direction to head in to get there. With this blog I want to create a place where I can help other people find and hold on to their own joy in their own lives and learn to live lives filled with joy. I would like it to expand to a community of support and teaching and guidance where anyone can come work on making a better self. This network would exist solely to help people find their own joy and then share it with one another, therefore helping someone else find their own joy and so on and so forth. I want to have tools and things to help build this community and resources for people to use everyday in their day to day lives. The new creed so to say reflects that as well. Here is the first of many small steps into the future. I'm excited as to what it can bring. Never forget, always remind yourself, Find Your Joy & Share It. We can all be butterflies, spreading joy into the world around us through our beauty as individuals. Let yourself be free; you will find that when you do anything is possible and your joy radiates all around casting hope on those around you. 

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