Parked in my truck today I had the window rolled down and I was enjoying the nice warm breeze and sunshine when I started to hear birdsong. I wasn't the only one out to soak up the sun, the birds were out in numbers flying around playfully and singing to their hearts content. Few things in nature sound as beautiful as birdsong, especially a duet or chorus of birds seeming to come from every direction. There was one I could hear coming from right close to me. After a few minutes of peaceful watching I found him sitting there plain as day in front of my eyes. It made me grin because it reminded me how there are so many beautiful things in life that we miss because we just don't take the time to take a close enough look.
Can you see him sitting there among the leaves? The next time you hear a bird song today try to take a minute to stop and see where it's coming from. Take a moment to appreciate the joy that's already there in the world around you. Take some time to notice.
Find your joy & share it!
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