Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tami Tuesdays #7 - Purge & Embrace

Purge & Embrace! Spring cleaning time is here; I've been taking the winter clothes and putting them in storage before taking out the Spring and Summer clothes and getting them ready for the season. This always prompts me to put a yard sale together. Going through clothes and items you haven't used in a while always takes a long time. My process is to decide into keep and give piles and then I have to take a trip down memory lane with each item. It is amazing that an item or piece of clothing has such an intense memory. Although I have an attachment to things, I love the thought of giving them another chance in a new home. Let someone else make wonderful memories!!!

Spring cleaning is one of the best times of the year. Whether it's cleaning out your mind, your priorities or your closet it is a time for fresh beginnings. Before those beginnings though come the reflection on the things that have passed. Cherish and hold close the memories you have, even the bad dark ones. They have helped shape you into the person you have become. Everything you own says something about you. When you pick up an item does it give you Joy or does it not? That should be your deciding factors.
I love to read so much, I always have. I have a rule about my books, I never see or trade back. I always either keep for myself to read again or I give away to a charity or someone I know who will read it. I love that feeling of passing on something that brought me good memories and knowing that it will bring good memories to someone else. Clean out your closet and dust off your shelves for some Spring Cleaning, get rid of the things that you no longer need and cherish the memories you have. Have a Yard Sale, give it to charity or someone in need and move on. A fresh start.

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