Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Joyful Jenny #6 - The Beauty Within

Beauty is something to value. Lots of people only look at the beauty on the outside. Like I say though, Physical appearance is something. But it's not everything. Many people are insecure because there are many famous people and models that have a certain figure. That leads us to believe that we have to look like that model on the front page
of the magazine. But we don't have to. The beauty is all on the inside. I don't think you should judge anyone on their appearance. It might be the first thing you see, yeah. But just because they're not physically attractive, doesn't mean you shouldn't take the time to see what they're like on the inside. Personally? I am insecure about many things. I am insecure on many levels, actually. I'm insecure because I know that I'm not the most attractive girl in the world. That's only because society has manipulated us into thinking we have to look a certain way. But I recently realized that your looks don't matter. But I'm also insecure of my personality. I'm afraid that people won't like the way I am. That honestly
terrifies me. There are times where some of us look in the mirror and don't like what we see. We try so hard to impress others with our looks but that's not how it should be. Girls sometimes think make up makes them look better. Honestly, it covers the real beauty. We're all
beautifully and wonderfully made. We shouldn't cover that up with a bunch of cosmetics. Be your natural, beautiful, and unique self. I'll admit, insecurity can destroy you in a mental way. It makes you think negatively towards yourself. But we need to start focusing on what really matters. Personality is a big part of you and we need to embrace it. If we start to focus on others and our self aside from
looks, I'm sure we can find so much more positivity. If we start to believe that we are beautiful no matter what, we will start to find some joy in not just others but within ourselves too. That is very
important. The beauty within you is what makes you. If you're insecure, start to think positive thoughts. Tell yourself you're beautiful every morning. It will help. Stay positive and be yourself. You're beautiful and unique in your own way. Don't let society or anyone tell you otherwise. Remember... You're

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