Sunday, March 20, 2016

Springtime, Anytime - New Blossoms & New Beginnings

Today is a special day, a day in which the air is filled with the buzz of new beginnings and fresh starts. Today is the first day of Spring, a magical day where almost anything is possible. The first day of Spring marks the March Equinox, the Vernal Equinox for the Northern Hemisphere of Earth. We have an Equinox twice a year, each a time when the sun crosses from one hemisphere to another. Since our planet is tilted the northern and southern parts switch off which gets the most sunlight throughout the year. Hence, seasons. This Equinox marks the beginning of the Sun entering our hemisphere - giving us the warmth of Spring and Summer. In Fall it will cross once more and bring its warmth to the southern parts of our planet and we will have Winter. Another extraordinary thing about the Equinox is the fact that night and day are the same length, in Latin Equinox means equal night. It is a time of balance on Earth, when time seems to align momentarily as is to make sure everything is still in check. Today the sun rises due East and sets due West. It is the Universe aligning once again in its ever repeating cycle of limitless patterns. Draw strength and peace from days like today. Draw on the energy that is buzzing all around and weaving in and out of all of us. Take a moment and breathe, reflect. As Spring starts take a look at yourself, your life, how happy you are, what you want - look at everything. Let it all just wash over your mind so you can soak it in. This is a time for fresh starts and new beginnings. What do you want to change? Do you feel like there's something you just can't change but wish you could? Try. Go for it. Find support, make a plan, set a goal and don't give up. The first day of Spring is like hitting the rest button, life is jump starting outside as the cycle continues and life goes on as it always will. Use that momentum and energy to push and fuel yourself. On top of that, remember that today is also just another day. It doesn't have to be a big moment or special occasion to sit down and look at your life. To check and make sure you really are happy and joyful in life, you can do that any time anywhere. 
The first day of Spring is just special because as we drag ourselves out of the cold isolation of Winter we begin to stretch and spread our wings in the clear blue Spring skies. Take a moment today to look outside, step outside even and take a walk. Breathe in some fresh air, savor the peace and relaxation. Let the newfound energy and buzz from nature flow around you. Embrace the world around you today. Use this as an opportunity to take stock of where you are right now and where you would like to go over these coming Spring and Summer months. Spread your wings and fly today, the sky is the limit. 

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