Tonight, during the movie before bed, I got up to pour a glass of chocolate milk and when walking past the open sliding door I looked outside and caught a glimpse of this. I love the glow of the green lights on the pole at night and seeing the damp wood while hearing the splatter of rain made me stop and take a sigh. As I breathed out I couldn't help but grin for a fraction of a second. The smell from outside was intoxicating. I love the smell of rain. It smells so fresh and new. So clean and so peaceful. I play the sound of rain combined with other things on my iPhone while I sleep at night to keep me peacefully dreaming. Most of the time it works like a charm too. Maybe it's because I'm a Cancer, a water sign. Or maybe it's just because rain is naturally a cleansing and mystifying healer. It doesn't rain much here in California and when it does it's mostly for ten minutes on and off for about a day, never getting more intense than a light downpour. Tonight though, Hollywood's biggest night, the rain has been falling steadily and surely in the land of golden opportunity. I am loving it; I hope it lasts until tomorrow.
Take some time and smell the air outside, especially if it is raining now. The next time it rains, like before bed, take a moment to breathe in the cleansing aroma nature is sending your way. Look at the world around you, transformed and wet. Cleaned, renewed. Renew yourself, use the beautiful and joyful things around you to keep your battery charged. Nature is a continual source of beauty and hope, just take a moment to stop and look at it. Breathe it in. Inhale deep. Enjoy everything you can with the senses you have been given. We have an amazing opportunity to learn, grow and find the joy that already exists all around us. Take advantage.🌙💦💧☁️
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