Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Joy With Tami #8 - The Magic of Music

The hospital where I work buses us in from an offl-site parking lot. You know the usual grind, park, get on the bus, work 12 hours, get back on the bus, go home, and repeat!😞 Well, this particular morning, I got on the bus first to get a seat in the back. Everyone else got on and took a place, the short ride is only about 5-8 minutes. Meghan Trainor's song Dear Future Husband came on the radio and almost immediately the mood lightened; everyone was singing, some were even tapping their toes and heads were bobbing up and down. I think I can safely say that tune was going through everyone's head all that day. I hummed it all day and it really made my day so much better! 😃 It really felt like magic that stayed all day and I felt privileged to have that experience. I think magical moments are all around us,we just have to look

Tami is right. Like Jenny before her Tami has seen the importance and value of music in our lives. Just like Tami said, music is powerful; it can heal, it can transform and it can encourage. It is so easy to get distracted by the thousands of little things in life. Music is one way to help lift ourselves up, especially at the beginning of the day. That's the most important time of day to get your mind centered and focused because it dictates the rest of your day as well as your outlook. Do yourself a favor and start the day right. On the other hand keep in mind what you listen to, angry music leads to angry thoughts and an angry mind. Everything in its place, just try to start on a positive note and see what happens.