Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Staying Grounded Through The Chaos, The Storm, The Calm & The Stressful

I haven't been able to post much the past week and a half or so, it seems like life has just been crazy. With work pretty much completely taking over my life it was hard enough to get things done, it took all my free time to keep my sanity and keep me afloat. It really has been non-stop, all day for over a week. I'm not complaining, I do love my job and I know I can handle it all, it's just that after that long I start to go from tired to exhausted. I hate how I felt after finally getting some time off this afternoon. It felt amazing to just relax in bed, read a book, take a nap and even get up and cook dinner for me and my husband. It felt great to do something for me, to take care of me. It was also nice to have a moment to breathe and look back at everything I had just gone though. To reflect. 
Looking back I wanted to figure out what had gotten me through so well, what had kept me so much more grounded than I thought or expected of myself. Every step of the way, even through the unexpected situations, I kept reminding myself of the things I was Joyful about, the things I had to be Joyful about and the things the helped remind me of who I was. I wore my Mala-bead necklace and even when I couldn't meditate completely I could still touch the wooden beads on my neck and take a second to repeat my mantra for five or six beads and keep myself grounded. Just feeling them under my shirt or playing with them absentmindedly kept reminding me that I had to just stay true to myself and keep myself grounded. I took time to be mindful and live in the present. I slowed myself down at every step, at every point when something crazy happened or came up, I took a second to just look at what was going on around me in that moment and what needed to be dealt with right now. It's quite calming, living in the present, even if you can only do it for a few minutes at a time here and there. It all starts with practice and practice makes perfect. 
Normally I would have overreacted so many times over to so many different things that happened, but I didn't. Being more mindful of being mindful can help though. It sounds dumb, but by spending  so much time reminding myself to be mindful and thinking about how to be more mindful I made myself a little more mindful. It shows that it really does work, but you get out of it what you put into it. If you try, if you really want it, then it will come. All you have to do is open yourself up and be willing to let go and just be. Live in the here and now, both when times are crazy and when times are going smoothly. The other day out in our side garden at home I was watering the plants and something really neat caught my eye. On one of the tree stumps we have there was a rainbow, but a rainbow spot so bright it looked as if it had been painted on. I thought for a second that it had been, until I waved my hand and made it disappear. I couldn't figure out where it came from, but it looked so awesome. It was truly living in the present, at that moment the sun was shining just right and refracting off something to create a rainbow in just this spot. Even something that seems as intangible as a rainbow, or mindfulness, shines so bright it casts it's beautiful shadow of color all over. Never underestimate the power of mindfulness. Don't forget how much it can help you, help you live and help you grow. Never give up and hold on to your Joy everyday, that's what we have in this life. The everyday, and the Joy we can find in it. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Joyful Jenny #4 - The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

There's a light at the end of the tunnel. But I can't see it yet.
I know once I'll get there...
I will be all set.

I dream and wish and hope... 
That it'll all be fine.
And when it gets hard to cope, 

I'll take that light and shine.

These here are lyrics to a verse that I wrote for a song. I believe that these lyrics can help anyone reach their dreams. We all have a dream. I know that it sometimes feels as if we aren't able to get to them. But trust me, one day you will. Basically, these lyrics say almost the exact wording. Everyone has their own tunnel. Their own little path of life. I have mine and I can honestly say that behind me, it's very dark. But the lights recently just started to dim. I know there's a light at the end of my tunnel. I may not be almost there. But I know that there is one. There's always a bright side to most things. Sometimes, we feel like we can't make it. But like these lyrics say, take that light and shine. Make it your own. It doesn't have to be the light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe it's a small lantern that you found along the way to make things a little easier. Make the best of that light. There are going to be obstacles. We all have to face them at one point. Just know that it will get better. It's getting better for me. So, why can't it for you? Okay. I'm going to be honest. Sometimes, when people tell me to look on the bright side, I can get a little frustrated with them. Some situations really don't have a bright side and some people just don't seem to understand that. But that doesn't mean it's the end of your joy or happiness. It just means you need to move on from that dark abyss you were once in. I know, that there's sometimes no bright side. For example, my grandma who passed away. There was no bright side there. But I managed to move on with my life and not let it get me down. Sure, I still shed a tear every once in a while. But I know that that's not what my grandma wants for me. So I keep it going. But you can always leave that dark part of your tunnel behind you. It's hard, I know. I totally understand from personal experience. But it's not going to make it easier if you keep dwelling over something. Move on and reach that light at the end of your tunnel of life. Don't reach right away though. You still got a long way to go. But find that lantern that will help you along the way. It'll all be fine. I know it. Just have the hope. It'll all be worth it. You will reach whatever it is you are reaching for. Once it's right in front of you, grab that dream and give it all you got. No one can define your future but you. I think that many people can find their light if they just believe in themselves. Also, remember that sometimes there are times where you can reach the light at the end of the tunnel. But once you get there, there's another tunnel. Life is full of good and bad things. There are times where we feel as if we want to give up. But don't. Keep it going for yourself, not others. Remember to always do things because you want to do it and not to just please others. But yes, sometimes it's nice to do things for other people who deserve it. Just remember, get through the tunnel of life and find your light. 

Tami Tuesdays #4 - Go Do Something!

Alas, this Tuesday I have too many ideas and can't seem to focus on just one. So instead I shall make suggestions, suggestions to help each of you find the joy that's all around you.
1) Put together a music mix of personal theme songs that makes you happy and gets you through the day!
2) Try a flavor of ice cream you have never tried before.
3) Commit a random act of kindness. I did today and it felt great!
4) Do a favor for someone, mow an elderly neighbors lawn or run an errand for a sick friend.
5) Do some Spring cleaning and donate to Goodwill or have a yard sale.
6) Get up in the morning, wash your face, brush your teeth and walk out the door. Something good will happen to you!      

There are a million different ways to find Joy, here are a list of some of the ways I use and paths I take. Try one out for yourself, try your own thing, just keep trying.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Joyful Jenny #3 - Stay Strong

I'm sure you've all heard the small saying, "Stay Strong." 
Well, those two little words mean something to everyone. But there's always a different story behind it. I just wanted to reflect on the passed two little passages I've written. Remember to not let anyone tell you who you are or what you can't do. Remember to always have someone by your side through the good and the bad. Now, take a moment and think about your life. Just think. 

I'm sure what you were thinking had to do with your past, am I right? It happens naturally. Let me dip in to a personal point of view. 
When I think about my life, I think about my past. A little more than I probably should, actually. But despite all the rough times, I remember that I have to stay strong. I've gone through a long series of ups and downs. When I was smaller, I was so outgoing and not afraid of anything. I would do things I wanted. Quietly, but I did it. I got into sports and loved to play soccer. My father wanted to put me on a soccer team. We found the perfect team. But they needed a doctors permission because of my visual impairment. So we asked my doctor. He said that I wasn't able to join any kind of contact sports. And that's where it all began... 
I was upset. Sports were my thing and I wanted it to always be that way. But my sporting dreams were crushed. I eventually replaced it with music. I turned to music because I was able to sing songs about how I feel. I got serious about my music and kept it going. I was having a great time just singing and writing lyrics. But then it all just...went downhill. I started to lose my vision. I became super sad. Really angry at myself, insecure, I felt worthless,  and I felt trapped. Later, i lost my beautiful grandma. May she rest in peace. 2012 was not my year. There were long nights of overthinking, crying, but hiding it all behind one simple and fake smile. I managed to pull through for the next three years. 

I noticed that the nights just got longer and longer. Overthinking got out of hand way too often. Crying was constant. And so I just fell... Faster than Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall. I was lost and scared. I thought it would always be that way. I got use to the pain. I was emotionally and mentally tired. But that's when I soon realized I need to stay strong. I need to keep fighting. I can't keep hurting myself. I can't do this. I can't do it for me or my family. And so now I'm a sixteen year old who has really low vision, restarted her life because of the vision loss,  but I am full of love, joy, and I have wonderful people along my side. Thanks to Mackenzee, my best friend, who has put up with me late at night when I'm overthinking. And my loving and supportive family that remains strong. And that helps me stay strong. 
So remember... Stay strong. You're a warrior. You may have been broken and bruised at one point. And you may have scars. But don't let those scars define you. If anything, your scars make you even more beautiful. They show how much a strong soldier you are. They show that you have managed to... Stay strong. Love, peace, and joy will help you through it. I promise. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tami Tuesday #3 - Spring Gardening!

Finally Spring! Today was a perfect Spring day. A sunny, light breeze and gardening! I only planted tomatoes this year -  Early Girl, Big Boy, Beefsteaks and Brandywine's! - but Spring would not be complete without flowers. I have a giant iron pot hanging in the front yard, it looks like a caldron, but it's so pretty with the wave petunias. They cascade down and are a burst of  bright pink and purple color! I hope everyone visits their local nurseries and produce stands this year.

Tami is dead on when it comes to gardening. There is nothing more therapeutic than growing something yourself. Whether a small aloe plant, a beautiful orchid or tomato plants - the Joy that comes with helping to cultivate life is amazing. Our side yard at home is filled with pots of flowers or plants and there are things planted everywhere. At times I will just sit outside for like an hour staring, literally watching them grow. Even from day to day there are small differences as the plants continue to grow. You can see them when you get close enough. I get lost in the life and the growth all around me. It can be inside or outside, there are potted plants you can put inside or outside. Next to the bed or outside the front door. Pick up a small plant next time you're out. An aloe plant takes water and sun and is the easiest thing to grow. Find something to bring some more life into your life. Life cultivates life and growth cultivates growth. It feels good to grow something, just as it feels good when we grow as people. So give it a shot and try out your Green Thumb as Tami suggested and see what happens! Happy Spring!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Joy of Doing Things For Others - Especially When It's An Unexpected Surprise

One of my favorite things in life is doing things for other people; because I am shy it is mostly for my family, friends and coworkers, but I love it none the less. You should see me at Christmas time. It's crazy, and so is my credit card statement. It doesn't really bother me though. I really love going out of my way picking things out for my mom, my dad, my brother, his wife and my nephew Daniel. Oh, and Grandma too and of course my husband. I love finding those random unique things out that you would never find anywhere else. I love just thinking about how big it will make them smile. Gift giving, from the heart, is one of the easiest and most sure-fired ways of spreading Joy. It doesn't have to be something big in any way, it just has to have some meaning behind it. Maybe it's getting your best friend a copy of the movie you guys used to watch everyday in college, or maybe it's bringing in coffee for everyone at work in the morning. It could just be giving someone an extra piece of chocolate or candy, anything. True gift giving means taking something of yourself and giving it to another with the sole intention of bringing them Joy.
Gift giving can be so easy today, at work when I do my in-services three or four times a year I always have a Jeopardy or Review game with candy. All I do is go to the 99-cents store and spend less than $5 on bags of candy. Of course everyone loves it when I teach the in-service, because they love the candy. What they don't also see is how much they learn in the process without realizing it. Even then, everyone always smiles when they get a question right, even with a helpful nudge, and get some candy out of it. It was a way for me to teach what I had to professionally while also spreading Joy as well. Something small and negligent, but being mindful and in the moment, something that brought just a little bit of Joy to people's day where they normally wouldn't get any.
Lots of times people ask us for favors or assistance with things, and in that way do something for them by giving the gift of time and whatever else it is that you have that they obviously don't. It feels good to take time to stop and ask someone if they need help with something. What about the old woman loading groceries in her car or the friend asking for a ride to work. There are the times where we can passively say yes and still cause some Joy, but the times that really mean something are those active times when we stand up and take action without provocation to try and make someone else a little more Joyful. The look on someone's face when you truly surprise them out of nowhere is the best. I remember the giant box with my candy and t shirt and everything else from the girls at work for Valentine's Day, I was grinning from ear to ear and bright red, Something like that, that really doesn't take much effort, can make a real impression on someone and their day. I will never forget the two off-duty Rescue Squad workers who stopped and helped me change my flat tire when they were on their way home after a shift. They didn't know my brother and my dad were on the Rescue Squad too. I thought that was really awesome. And I'll never forget.
I really try to go out of my way now and do things for others, even the smallest of things. I try to always open doors for people or get up and unlock the door when people come to the group home. Everyday, before I go home I ask my administrative staff there with me and the lead staff in the houses if they need anything before I leave. I stop and say hi and talk for a few minutes when I come in to the house everyday. The gift of time and meaningful attention can be even more powerful than a tangible gift. It has been hard for me lately, especially with my anger issues that I am still working on, but I still try constantly, never stopping. I try to surprise my husband on an almost daily basis with tiny things and big things, silly things and funny things - things to make us both laugh and smile together. Today, I was showing  him the trailer for the new Jungle Book movie and he could see how excited I was. Being such a huge fan of the original cartoon classic I assumed he would be just  as enthusiastic. When the trailer finished and I finally moved I turned to him and asked if we could go this weekend to see it. He said yes, of course; he will always do things like that if he thinks it's something I want because he truly wants to make me happy. He has a heart of gold, and I don't deserve him at all. Anyway, when he answered he sounded less than enthusiastic, so a little bit later I asked if he really wanted to go see the Jungle Book. He looked at me and said not really, he wanted to see the comedy that had come out the weekend before. To be fair, it was a funny movie we both wanted to see as well. A few more hours pass and at home I get on my iPhone and Fandango and ask if he would see the Jungle Book with me tonight at our favorite local theatre where we can reserve seats ahead of time. He said sure without glancing up from his phone, with no real positive or negative inflection in his tone. What I didn't tell him was I wasn't buying tickets for the Jungle Book. I got tickets for that comedy he wanted to see. All he knows is the movie time, he has no idea and I have the mobile tickets on my iPhone. So he won't find out until we either get to the ticket line or actually walk into the individual theatre. I am so excited, I know it's dumb, but I am so terrible at surprises. Because I love giving things and doing things so much I also have a hard time waiting. I just get so excited for whoever it is, everyone knows I'm terrible that way. So if I can pull this off and fool him until we get there I am going to first be amazingly happy to have made him happy and surprised him, but secondly also a little proud of myself for being able to wait and pull it off. I just wanted to see him truly smile, not that normal "things-are-ok" smile, but that silly mischievous smile that comes only when truly letting go of the stress and terrible things of the world around you. Try to do something for someone around you, maybe the next time someone asks. Don't be so closed to taking a moment out of your schedule and routine to help someone else. Wouldn't it be nice if someone stopped to help you when you really needed it? Of course. Doing things for others is a simple way to bring Joy not only into your own life but into the world and the lives of those around you. Like I said, it doesn't haven't to be big or expensive, just meaningful and heartfelt. Stay Joyful & surprise someone, especially when their not expecting it.

The Embodiment of Joy & The Mindfulness of Pets

I think there is a lot that we can learn from animals, but not just animals in general - pets in particular. Animals have lived along & beside us on this planet for millennia, but it is interesting the ones that we have been able to domesticate and to what degree and even then what changed about them over time. I wonder if my Chihuahuas would be different if they lived years and years ago before they would have been domesticated, I am assuming somewhere in South America. We have changed them, for better or worse; we intervened as we so often do and will continue to so long as we have the mentality that everything on this planet is disconnected. I always had a pet growing up, a small family dog. When I was young there was a small black dog I think, I only really have one memory of him - watching The Little Mermaid spread out on the white quilt in front of the television with him nuzzled up next to me. Then there was Nicki who stayed with us for the rest of his life, he was a little mix of Yorkie & some other breeds. He was small, but not tiny small. My brother and I would help take care of him. We had our first big dog Jake when I was in high school, and he just recently passed away at my parent's house in Tennessee. Losing a pet is hard because we become so attached to them. We may cry when our favorite figurine or figure breaks but it stops after a minute or two. Losing a pet is like losing someone in your family, your pain stays forever and hurts like knives of steel. It's because, unlike those figures, that pet loved you back.
You can see it in their eyes, especially when you come home from anywhere. Dogs, up to an extent, forgive their owners for almost anything. Even when you mess up they come around and come back to you because they love you and want to be by your side. If you don't believe me see how protective they get when someone else comes around, even if they aren't loud about it. Or watch when he or she gets scared or nervous in public or in large groups and where they turn to. To you. At one time my therapist wrote me a Rx for an Emotional Support Therapy Dog. She got registered and all, but when it comes down to it she isn't like a blind-assistance dog. For me though, she kind of is. We share the same birthday, a fact we didn't know until about 8 months after rescuing her. How odd is that, the same day in June? Maybe thats what explains the connection between us. She looks at me and she always knows what I'm thinking. She can tell in a moment if I am becoming insecure or upset or unhappy or nervous and she will come next to me and won't leave. We calm each other down and always know when one of us needs the other. It was funny the other day when she got frustrated with me, on the bed she nudged my hand an inch in one direction. I looked at her and she did it again, and again, and again and then my hand hit a pillow. She wanted me to pick the pillow up and cover her up. So as soon as I picked it up she curled back up and I covered her with the pillow as she passed out like a light. I know they do not compare to having a child, but dogs are complex emotional beings who live with you and become a real dynamic and part of your family and your heart. My other chihuahua is still a puppy and so rambunctious it drives us crazy most of the time. She is never still, from the moment she wakes up until the moment she passes out. The only break is either work or unleashing her at the dog park. She is sweet though, and so loving and trusting. She falls asleep curled up right next to me when I am sitting in or on the side of the bed working. It's like she melts into you, sometimes you can't even tell at first. She will even fall asleep with her head resting on my hand. The trust in that moment alone brought me so much Joy it's indescribable. Having a dog like my little Dany though, who knows me just as much as myself and is in tune with my every flaring emotion, is the best thing in the world. When I get anxious she starts trembling for no apparent reason. When I am normal and relaxed she is calm and stable. We keep each other going, we are each others Joy. She is just as much a part of my family as my loving husband.It's also funny to note how pet's have no concept of the future beyond where will they get their next meal and some attention. They also do not live in the past or dwell on memories. They react, they act, they live in the now. They live in this moment because it's what they are thinking of. We could learn a thing or two about that. When you take your dog for a walk in the afternoon and his tongue is hanging out and he looks like he's smiling as he walks all cool like down the street notice him or her and what they are doing. They aren't worrying about the bills, they are looking at the tree next to them and how tall it is. What about those huge flowers over there covering that wall? They look at the sidewalk and the grass, the fenceposts and signposts. They enjoy taking in each part of the walk and savoring it as if each step were through a different universe, each step needing to be enjoyed. Dogs, or most dogs, have mastered the art of mindfulness. If you have a pet, lie down and chill with him or her. Turn on some music or soft tv or whatever you want. Play with each other for a few minutes, even just 5, and see if after that you aren't thinking more mindfully. Like how his fur felt on your hand, or how her tongue felt on your fingertips or how his nose wet the tip of your nose. Enjoy your pet and learn a lesson, a lesson of mindfulness and Joy.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

"The Wisdom of Joy From Jerry" #2 - Spring

This is my favorite time of year, springtime. The weather is perfect and it's easy to find Joy because it's all around you. I mean look at springtime; trees getting their leaves and flowering, flowers blooming, dead shoots coming back to life. Everything about this time of year is perfect to me, it feels like a fresh new start; like a breath of fresh air into everything around you. Even putting dozens and dozens of bags of mulch down in the backyard around the bases of the trees isn't a chore because you're outside and interacting with the outdoors. It's even better doing it with someone you love, it makes it even more enjoyable. My wife and I are always working together in the yard and inside on projects and planting things. New starts and new beginnings all the time, life is always changing and there is never a better chance than springtime to witness that.
Another thing I love about Spring is getting ready for camping season. Camping is one of the joys of my life. For as long as I can remember I have loved spending time outdoors and one of the best ways to do that is to go camping. Growing up I would go camping with friends, of course in the Army and always with my family throughout the years. When my kids were growing up we would take an annual vacation every year and drive across the country traveling and exploring. We wanted to expose them to more than just the little bubble around their lives. Spring just tends to bring out that sense of wonderment and adventure. The last time I was at the Grand Canyon was with my son on our way to Los Angeles when we were moving his stuff out there. While we didn't get to camp on that particular trip we spent two days there enjoying the Grand Canyon in Spring. Over a decade earlier, as a family, we had taken three days to hike to the bottom of the canyon and back up again. To spend another Spring moment there with my son was a treasure. There is nothing more majestic than the true beauty and awe of nature. 
Spring is the most joyful time of the year for anyone and everyone, it symbolizes fresh starts and new beginnings. Some say Fall, some Winter and some Summer, but to me it will always be Spring. The temperature may fluctuate a little, but the air is warm, fresh and crisp and you can smell growth everywhere in the air. The magic of nature, the magic of Spring. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Progress Is Never Quick & Seems Painstakingly Slow

Progress is never quick, often seeming as if it takes a lifetime. An unfortunate consequence is that all too often we try to get involved ourselves and cut corners where we think we can get away with it. The problem with that is we end up with a broken end-result, be it with friends, at school, with family, with money, whatever. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing right. Right doesn't always mean slow, but it means deliberate. We have to do it the correct way. It is easy to get discouraged; it is easy to want to give up; it is easy to want to just quit. But we can't. Not in life, not in anything. Progress is hard, nothing worth doing in life is easy but it is possible. We have to remember and remind ourselves that we can't change overnight, not to mean that we should just go slow or do whatever or do things this day or that. We have to be disciplined, but we have to keep in mind that the strict rigor we are holding ourselves to won't take effect immediately. We will have to wait time to see the results. Just like going to the gym, you would never go to the gym for a day and except to lose 25lb. No, you're going to have to do some cardio and probably some lifting too. It's going to take time to work that weight off and then tighten and tone. 
Look at your mind just like an exercising body, right now it is "overweight" with anxiety, stress and preconceived notions above others. In order to get yourself in shape you are first going to have to shed those outer pounds and then focus on your core strength. You are going to have to unlearn bad habits and learn new better and healthier ones. After trimming the fat you can then start to work on toning you and who you are and focusing on true growth. It takes time and progress will be slow, but don't be discouraged. The snail moves slower than most creatures, but it never bothers him. He seems to get to where he is going on his own time table. Maybe we could learn a thing or two from him, like how life is worth taking slow. We will only have one today, shouldn't we try to enjoy and value every moment we can or at least try to get the best out of every moment we can? Even the bad ones? Keep working though, use those around you who support you for Joy and strength, Don't give up, never give up on your personal Joy no matter what happens. Your personal Joy is yours and yours alone. Be mindful and pay attention to the now, live in the today. Live in the here and now. 

Buddhist Meditation Beads = Mala Beads - 108 Beads, 1 Mantra

In my next step on my way to wholeness and being Joyful I went out today to get a set of Buddhist Meditation Beads. I have been wanting some for awhile and all the ones I could find were online and I didn't want to have to wait the week and a half to get them. So on an off chance I tried a store in the Burbank Mall and they had some. I got a black sandalwood one. They are so beautiful, so simple, yet so amazing. They don't have to be worn for religious purposes, anyone can use them. It is to help oneself with their intent and focus, a meditation tool. I won't pretend to know hardly anything at all, but I have been doing research over the years and more recently about what they are and what they mean. From my interpretation, they have been used many times throughout history. They are a tool for anyone to use to help each of us gain mindfulness and find our own personal Joy. 
They come is big and small, from bracelets to necklaces and even those range in shape, size, stone and color. Each one holds a different kind of energy and it is said that the person and their Mala pick each other, kind of like getting a wand in Harry Potter. I got a black sandalwood one for now, because I love the feel of the sandalwood on my fingers and the simplicity of it. I will probably order a pearl one later since pearl is my birthstone and a prayer/meditation chain connected like that would have a lot of energy between us to be held. That is being worked on as we speak. For now, I have my wooden ones and they are just fine with me. 
The use of Mala beads has been around for centuries and popped up in many a culture, above that it has lasted this long and is still thriving. Where is the power in that? It must have some spiritual power or significance. There are 108 beads plus the keystone and the tassel. Why 108? Well, it is not really known, but I have done some reading and compiling and to me this is what I get: "1" for whatever higher power or deity we believe in, "0" is for when we open ourselves up and become nothing except part of the world around us and lastly "8" for the infinite everlasting of that very world around us. 
Why have I gotten these beads do you ask? Because I am trying to focus more on myself and centering myself, focusing on my Joy and being a better happier person. Not just to benefit me, but for others around me too. I am hoping that this will become another tool to help me gain mindfulness, especially because it can mean pretty much whatever I need it to mean to me. It's really easy to do, you basically pick an "intent" to focus on or you use your mantra or code and you go from bead to bead repeating that mantra on each one, but repeating it with intent and thinking about just that. Being mindful of what you are doing. You go bead from bead moving around, you hold it in really either hand and move them with your thumb after you finish. When you get to the end you don't touch the keystone, you either turn back and go back around the other way or you stop. That is what I have come to understand and interpret and then tweak to make my own. Any input from you guys is more than welcome!!Please, try this with me, let me know what you think or if you do it already. I am truly hoping this will help me focus my intent and make me more mindful, especially of the things that are really bothering me. To me they are a symbol of hope and change and they remind me of my mantra, which I have finally decided on. I have also decided to wear it with me under my shirt, that way it won't be showy but it will still be on my skin and close to my heart where it belongs. It's always there to remind be of my mantra and what I am trying to accomplish. Reminding me of my Joy, my own personal Joy, and how to get there. 

The Joy of Marrying My Best Friend

I would just like to add something on to what Jenny was writing about earlier. She did an amazing job once again, her voice is one in a billion.
It really reminded me of something though, something that applied enough that I thought it would be relevant to share. You see, all of my life I have been looking for love. I've been searching for someone to just accept me for who I am and show me affection and take care of me. I acted desperately at times because I craved, not attention, but love. Why? Because I didn't know how to love myself. I would throw myself at guys and everything would be ruined, on top of that any friendship possible ruined as well. I only really had one other guy friend in college back in Tennessee, of course we ended being really close over like five or six years of friendship. My point being, it was almost impossible the whole time for me to have any kind of relationship. I just couldn't do it no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't figure out myself and no other guy wanted to have to figure me out either. I got really depressed because I felt lonely and like I was going to be alone forever. The one relationship I had at the end of college was so odd and off that I don't know if it even really counts. Another case of me being with someone who should have been my friend, but this time both of us were craving that love and attention we thought we so desperately needed.
Things didn't change until I started to grow up and I moved to Los Angeles. I was about 25 at the time and living in West Hollywood, the center of anything and everything. It was amazing, heaven and hell at the same time. I started dating an Armenian guy that I liked and he moved in; well it turns out in the end that we just clashed culturally. And it clashed with me that he was still involved with his ex-boyfriend/partner. Anyway, the whole point of this is the guy I met while I was with him. I will call him JC. JC rescued me; I remember the night we met like it was yesterday and I will never forget. I remember walking him to the elevator and thinking that I had to see him again no matter what, but what was I going to say to my boyfriend? That first night we were supposed to hook up, but JC decided better - not that we both didn't want to. He told me he wanted to be my friend, my best friend, for right now. He wasn't going anywhere or seeing anyone else at all, but we would just hang out and be friends while I was with my boyfriend.
So we started hanging out like every day, all the times I was left alone. We went out, went walking. We talked and just hung out and did nothing together and had fun doing it. We made taking a walk to the grocery store down the street fun somewhere. That was what we did. It was an amazing thing, building that up. It was months, three I think but I am not so sure, before we finally kissed while up against a speaker out at a club one night with all of our friends. I soon after broke up with my cheating boyfriend but JC still demanded we take it slow. Becoming boyfriends took time and effort, as did eventually moving in. Everything was earned, everything we earned together. As we slowly began to build our relationship it was able to stand the test of things because it had the solid foundation of that friendship that still existed. My longest relationship previously had been probably 8 months or so; well, JC and I became partners and then got married this past year on the four year anniversary of meeting that first night. The anniversary four years previously of meeting my best friend. It means so much more, and it keeps us together more than anything else. Marrying my best friend was like a dream come true, because the only person I wanted to share it with was already there and always would be. Even when things are hard we know that have each other in a way we don't have anyone else.
Our Joy comes from loving and being there for each other, as best friends and as husbands. Your best friend can be platonic or it can become something more, both can bring just as much Joy just like Jenny was talking about. So take a cue from Jenny and enjoy the people around you who are there for you and love and support you. Look there and you will find your joy.
I love you JC, thank you.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Joyful Jenny #2 - My Best Friend Is My Joy!

Everyone has their own meaning to joy. To me, joy comes through music. Whether it's playing it or just listening to it, I can honestly say that it brings a smile to my face. It has helped through the good and bad. Music is always there for me in some kind of special way. But there are other ways that joy can be found. It can be the littlest thing. It could be a locket that you've kept for a long period of time, it could be playing your favorite sport, or just being with someone you love. I personally think that being with someone that makes you smile is a big reason to feel joy. I have always struggled with finding that certain person that cares and loves me just as much as I love and care for them, it always seems to turn on me. But I know I now have my best friend who I can tell everything to. She has shown me that true friends really do exist. Don't get me wrong, I have so many good friends, but there has never been one that has been with me through the things that my best friend has. I know that I can call her for whatever at whatever time. She is actually the one who helped me realize that bottling up all my thoughts and emotions isn't healthy. I'm so thankful and lucky to have met her.

Point being, we all have that special someone that is always going to be there through the laughs and the tears. You may not have found that person yet, but trust me, that person will eventually come around. It took me a while to find someone myself. You want to find someone who will be with you late at night when you're having a hard time and someone who will be there in the afternoon when you're all smiles. I think having that person is a big impact on someone. It brings me joy to know that someone is always going to be there for me. I also kind of think of it in terms of music. See, in music there's always a melody. When you have a melody, you can harmonize it with something different. What you want is someone who will make a perfect harmony and help you make that long lasting song called life. There are going to be people that will only be there for a verse in your life song. Maybe someone that'll be there every once in a while like a chorus throughout the song. But what you want is someone who will be there through the soundtrack, the verses, the chorus, the bridge, the back-up vocals, the guitar riffs, the drum solo, and just throughout the whole song. I never thought someone could make me so happy and actually change me in a good way. But I stand corrected. I promise you that when you find the person, you'll feel a little better about yourself. Sure there are going to be some bumps in the road. But that's what having any kind of relationship is about. Someone who will be there through the ups and the downs.

Life can be tough at times, I know, but just find that person that will be with you through those times. There's nothing better than having someone by your side. Joy can come from anything. Remember that. It might be right under your nose and you never really realize how happy it makes you. But believe me that there's nothing better than being happy, especially with someone. It doesn't have to be your best friend either. It could be a close cousin, your significant other, your grandma, your aunt, your uncle, anyone. Just make sure they are able to bring a smile on your face, joy in your life, and a perfect match to make a harmony so they could be featured in your song of life. 

Breath In, Breath Out - 15 Second Savior

One trick that I have been focusing on lately is what I call the "15-Second Pause." I have this program that teaches me mindfulness and about what it is and what it means. It helps me practice and prompts me when I need it. One of the things it uses to help is the pause feature, which is available at any time from the homescreen. There's a 15 second circular loop in the middle of the screen and as the outside of the loop goes around to complete the countdown it prompts you to breathe in and breathe out twice. The background screen changes to one of twenty or more moving backgrounds; they are all animated nature or relaxing videos. It gives you 15 seconds to focus on something beautiful that is going on right in front of you. The goal is that while
breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth just twice and focusing on what you are seeing or what is really around you you can return back to your awareness of reality with an enhanced balance and mindfulness, in tune with the world around you. This is the chance to, when you look up from the exercise, look at what is around you now. Focus on being mindful of the present and what is going on all around you. Enjoy it and your life instead of worrying about things you can't control or living in the past or future. By spending all our time being upset for whatever reason at whomever about the past or all our time worrying about or planning for the future we miss out on the present. It's called the present for a reason. Really. Learn to be mindful, use these 15-second breaks to help. You can use the timer on you iPhone or look at a relaxing picture for 15 seconds - just make sure to breathe in and out two times. In through the nose and out through the mouth. It's a cliche, but it's true, don't forget to stop and smell the roses - you never know when you will be back and if they will even be in bloom. Take a minute to slow down and see things for what they really are, see what's really going on all around you. Live for today. Don't miss out on the life you've been given. 
You can download the app if you want - it's called "Mindfulness Daily" by inward inc - here's the link for the App Store:

Monday, April 11, 2016

Tami Tuesdays #2 - April 12, 2016

"The Magic of Rainy Days"  
A lot of people don't like rainy days but I am not one of them. Granted, the love of rainy days is an acquired taste. Here is my list of rainy day favorite activities.
1)Tomato soup,grilled cheese and a black and white creature feature like Creature from the Black Lagoon! It's a love story you know! 
2) Getting lost for hours in Barnes and Noble with a Starbucks Caramel Apple Spice!! 
3) Sitting on the porch reading a great ghost story listening to Mother Earth at her best. 
4) Being rained in at lunch with a few of your best friends.
5) Napping! One of my most decadent indulgences. These are some of the things that make me happy on rainy days.I hope the next time you have some rain in your day you will also enjoy some of MY favorite things.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Lost Looking For Life - Being Purposely Mindful on Purpose

I was recently introduced to the concept of mindfulness, well let me put it this way - I was recently introduced to the label for what I already knew was mindfulness. One of the most recent tattoos I got was the symbol for mindfulness on the inside of my right wrist to always remind me to stay present and aware. That is the only way to live a joyful or happy life, that's really the only way to live life at all. I knew why I wanted another tattoo and the spot that I needed to fill in, but more than that I knew that feeling - that message to myself - that belonged there. I went searching and when I came across the symbol I knew it was perfect for me. Anxiety and stress have both become controlling factors in my life, as if they have taken over and sabotage my attempts at a joyful life. Through practicing mindfulness I can exert some control back over my life and who I am. I can start to learn what Joy is again and learn how to live life the way it is meant to be lived. 
What is mindfulness? What exactly does that word mean? I'm still personally trying to conceptualize and put it into words that can explain what it means to me. The easiest way is to say that mindfulness means paying close attention to present experiences with curiosity, openness and a willingness to live with what already is as it is. It is taking a slow deep breath and taking a look at the world around you that you're interacting with and realIzing you are a part of it all. And you are contributing to it. And taking away from it. You are one small piece of a world you miss out on when you spend your time on your phone or lost in worry and stress over things you can never affect anyhow. To me, being mindful simply means taking the time to let go and live life in the here and now. 
Practicing mindfulness can be useful in our everyday lives because it can be an amazing tool to help us make active changes that need to be made. Meditation, a tool to help develop mindfulness, is a deliberate and sustained practice of noticing what is happening in your reality and where it is happening - thoughts, emotions and physical sensations all noted and observed in order to learn, reflect and seek guidance. The goal here though is to observe rather than to act and change. If being mindful means living in the here and now then meditating is the reflection before the action of living can happen. While one is a way to live the other is a way to learn to silence oneself in order to better be able to live mindfully. Let me give you an example. I am an RN and have worked many years on the floor and at the bedside in the hospital. Part of my job was to assist the MD with delicate bedside procedures. I was always mindful, being aware of what is happening and my emotions. Aware of the physical sensations I feel and attendant to my surroundings. Paying attention to detail, the detail of this moment and only this moment. It makes me safer and it makes the situation safer, it's responsible. Now it wouldn't be responsible to start meditating there at the bedside, it would be disastrous. While meditating I would just simply observe and never act to do or change anything. I need to react there at the bedside and if I don't then the situation becomes dangerous. 
Being mindful is always possible, anywhere at any time. Meditation is a tool we can use at certain times to help open ourselves up and make us better at being mindful. We can learn practices that help us along the way that stay with us for life, practices that help ground us and remind us to be mindful of the time we are living in. An important part of all of this is the aspect of concentration or having an anchor. This is something that holds you to the present moment; it could be your breath, the sensation in your toes, how your clothes feel, or even how your special token feels sitting in your hand. Something physical that brings a sense of calm and peace, that helps serve as a guide toward your meditative place. Focusing on these things as you are trying and starting to meditate help bring you to that calm spot. I use my little stone carved turtle in my hand and the feeling and shape of the smoothly polished stone as I breath in and out. Because it's small I can carry it everywhere with me. Whatever it is for you go for it. Maybe it's how your back feels when you relax back and take deep breaths, find that anchor that is for you. That thing that holds you to your inner self is your biggest help and guide, your best friend. Find that anchor and hold on, keep it there for when you need it - because you will need it. Besides all the amazing mental and physical health benefits, research has found that mindfulness actually changes our brains by increasing the density of gray matter in brain regions linked to learning, memory, emotion regulation and empathy. It can help with anything because it also helps your health and general well being. It makes you a better more well-rounded person. 
Here's my challenge to you: find one routine physical activity that is normal for you, something you do most days, and start an experiment. Try doing it mindfully. Whether it is doing your hair, showering, brushing your teeth, cooking, eating, whatever it is - do it mindfully. That means paying attention to what you are doing - being in the here and now. Do it deliberately and slowly and notice the thought, emotions and sensations that you feel while doing it. Don't be distracted by the TV or radio, conversation or your iPhone, and don't hurry to get it done. Just enjoy doing it, that's life. That's the only life we have. Try it, the more you practice the easier it gets. The task you are working on will always get finished, but when done mindfully it can give so much more meaning and depth to any and every part of life and expand your Joy ten-fold. 

The Boxes We Are Put In Aren't Boxes That Limit Us

There are so many times in life that we are put in boxes, cages, whether by ourselves or others it doesn't matter. Boxes are meant to limit us, to contain us. In the short term almost anything can be useful for something, just like boxes. But they are never meant to be used long term or as something permanent.
So what exactly is a box? One of the dictionary definitions states "an area or space enclosed within straight lines, in particular." How does this fit in with Joy you may ask? The boxes we put ourselves in are all within our head, our heart, our psyche. These areas that are blocked off are areas of the mind or areas of us that we close off to those around us and sometimes even to ourselves. The straight lines comes in because the conflict is always due to the rigidity of our flawed thinking. Unhappiness comes when you try to control things that are out of your control. The world doesn't exist in black and white and when we back our minds into a corner we don't allow ourselves to see things the way they truly are. 
Others put boxes in our minds in so many ways, from gossip to discrimination. This limited thinking damages not just us but so many people around us so very badly. When we allow others to tell us what to think we give up our freedom and our right to really complain about the repurcussions of our sctions. Yes of course it's super easy to get caught up in the newest fad or idea or philosophy; we all make mistakes. The point is we have to always be on the lookout for those boxes that are being placed in our mind and limiting what we think and therefor do. We may not be able to stop them from coming in but if we can recognize them when we see them we can get them out right away. Be aware. Be mindful. 
We put ourselves in boxes without realizing it all the time. When we tell ourselves we aren't good enough to make the team or to get first place. When we tell ourselves not to try out for the office decathlon. When we tell ourselves not to go for that extra project at work you really want to get involved in. When we tell ourselves we aren't good enough, not smart enough. Not thin enough, not cute enough, not sexy enough, not wanted, undesirable, useless. Yes these are all terrible thoughts we should be avoiding, but they are there because of these rigid limitations we set in our minds on what is good and bad, acceptable and not acceptable. Those rigid lines causing so much discomfort and anguish are something of our own making. We are tricking ourselves.
So boxes are all around us and it seems we are all trapped in some box or another right now. Don't lose hope though. Just because we are in a box doesn't mean we still can't grow. There are some boxes we get put in that we have no control over and there is no way we will ever get out of it. We have to learn to live that way. An example of that is how I was born with whatever genes I needed to trigger my Bi-Polar Disorder when I was 17. I will forever be trapped with that diagnosis and emotions plaguing the back of my every thought, but I can still grow into something amazing and strong and beautiful. I can still flourish, one limitation doesn't mean it extends to another. When you feel trapped figure out who is really controlling your thoughts, where are they coming from and what or who is behind them. Clear your head, center yourself and be mindful of the present. Change those boxes, get rid of them, tear them apart. When you can't keep going, don't give up. Don't let one thing you can't control dictate your life and your decisions on the future. Human beings are extraordinary and strong, resilient and amazing. For example, look at these old trees. Years and years ago they were transplanted, taken out of the ground and put with roots and dirt into these wooden containers to hold them until they could be put back into the ground somewhere else. Relocation. That was quite a while back. These trees have now taken over their boxes, almost overgrown them even. They took over and took advantage of what was available and kept growing. They had sunlight and dirt and room. Look where they are now, look at how much they grew even when trapped by man in wooden boxes that wouldn't let them put their roots into the ground. They have become gigantic trees with leaves that form a canopy to block out the sun. Our Joy is what gives us our strength to grow through the hard times, including the times when we are trapped or boxed in. We use our Joy when everything else has failed. Don't be afraid to rely on it, it will always be there. When you find yourself in a box get out of it, and when you can't -  grab a hold of your Joy and grow. Grow because it's the only thing you have, there's nowhere else to go. You have to live. Live with your Joy, it's what smashes those boxes and opens up others worlds beyond.

The Joy of The Morning Dew - A Morning's Promise Of A Fresh Start

Life came to exist here on this piece of space rock because a billion different odds came together to make it possible. Nature is a powerful force, a force to be recokoned with. I mean look at what she's done so far; you could extend Mother Nature on into our Universe and even beyond since it too is the world around us, even if we can't see it. Nature always amazes me, it's patterns as well as its force of change. Look at the Grand Canyon, carved over millions of years by the Colorado River from a once flat piece of land. The human body is just as much an example, it is the very reason I got into the healthcare field and eventually became a nurse. The human body and the way it works amazes me. I mean truly amazes me. The billions of different things, pieces, processes, on and on all happening at the same time in sync and in communication. Nature is powerful. We evolved from what was once nothing on this planet and look how complex we are now compared to the first single-celled organism that popped up here on Earth. 
Nature is obviously evident all around us, we have just trained ourselves not to see it - to ignore it. I love how many trees my neighborhood has, I'm lucky. There's also the park down the street. Besides, this is California - there are aloe plants and palm trees literally everywhere. I love going for walks just to be outside and under the trees,walking through the neighborhood. I love growing plants, I'm not always that good at it but I love it. Succulent plants are easy because they just need water and sun but can survive pretty well with even only a little water. I spend hours sometimes just watching them and looking at all the details. Sometimes I think about things and sometimes I just sit and examine the amazing living being in front of me that is also growing and changing. Some of those plants like the succulents are a great example. They, like many others, will grow toward the sunlight so depending on where you put them they will grow a different direction. They crave that light and that nourishment. 
Go for a walk sometime soon, and by soon I mean like today or tomorrow by the latest. Even if it's just for five minutes. I park my truck at work in the 1 hour parking zone so I'm forced to take 3 minutes every hour and take a deep breath and clear my head. Sometimes I take a 6 minute walk around the neighborhood. Nothing long or fancy, just something to get me back outside and connected to nature. Even in the city there are parks and trees. It's like re-charging your batteries in the best way possible. Take a long walk on the weekend. Look up at the open sky and remember why you are joyful and what you have to be joyful about. Be mindful and live here and now in the present. 
There are so many truly beautiful things in nature, everyday types of things. Things that happen because of nature's cycle - like the rain. Yes we have droughts and floods but it is still a water cycle that has developed and helped formed this planet. One beautiful thing about this cycle is the morning dew. The moisture in the cooler air at night falls as condensation when the temperature slowly begins to rise. The water droplets then form and are left on the surface of Earth, well the surfaces that have access to rain. In the morning take a step outside and look at the grass, look at the leaves on the trees or even the metal railings lining the walkways. I love the morning dew because it brings me joy by reminding me that some things do come from the cold harsh night, and it reminds me of freshness. A new start. A new beginning. A new day. I am a water sign and for some reason in an odd way water soothes me like nothing else can. When I see the morning dew I see the Joy I hold closest to my heart, my loving husband and our two dogs, my family and my writing; the potential this day has to propel one of those forward. No matter what happened yesterday. No matter the mistakes or problems or failures. Today take a look at the morning dew, take a moment to center and be mindful. Appreciate life and the things around you, what you have and what you someday will. Be happy in the here and now and take this chance to realize that every morning is a fresh start with a new chance to do whatever you want. You just have to want it. 

Friday, April 8, 2016

Tattoo #7 - Targaryen Fire & Blood, Fire Cannot Kill A Dragon⚔πŸ›‘πŸ‰πŸ”₯🐲πŸ”₯

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." A famous line from the series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin, it reminds me of a time that seems so long ago and how far I have come from there. How much stronger I am now. Not that I don't have plenty farther left to go. This next tattoo was going to be a sigil of strength, something to remind me of what I am strong enough to do. Now when I look down at my upper right arm it makes me want to flex my hand because I feel that strength. A symbol can be a very powerful thing, and it can mean very different things to very different people. Again that is the beauty of the individualism of Joy, we each have our own to pursue. My joy includes this three headed dragon, it's a part of me in a way. In a way that may seem hard for someone on the outside to understand. To someone else it may seem like just an obsession with a tv show or a passing craze, but to me it is more. 
When I was 17-years-old I went through a really really difficult time in my life and faced a lot of things that most people never have to face in a lifetime. After my first ever boyfriend/fiancΓ© broke up with me and pretty much kicked me out I needed a lot of help and support. I sought out solace in the worlds I would find in books. My ex had introduced Game of Thrones to me when we were together because he was a huge fantasy nerd too. I thought they were really cool though, especially this character of Daenerys Targaryen. This young girl on the run with nothing but a family name must build a life from nothing. She is abused by her brother and sold off into marriage in order for him to gain an army. She went to her lowest point before she rose again. Even when her new life seemed perfect, her son on the way and her husband a strong warrior everything goes wrong and she loses it all again. The man she loved and the son she had living inside her. In return though she did gain three living breathing dragons from her three ancient dragon eggs, born from the fires of her sacrifice. Her story is much more detailed and goes on for much longer, but you get the idea. Her character, her voice, her pain all felt so tangible to me. It's like I could feel it in my soul, I identified with so many parts of her and admired so many others. She made me feel a little bit better, and her character inspired in me courage and strength that I really needed at that time in my life. 
Reading has always an important aspect of my life. From my mom reading to both my brother and I when we were in the womb to reading to us every day as we grew up until we learned how to read ourselves, we were always surrounded by books. When we were little we would get books on tape and read more than we watched tv. We spent so much time at the library reading, looking for books, getting online, joining book groups and so much more. I loved every second and it benefited me in more ways than I can express. It gave me an appreciation for reading that I still have. When I read a book it's like entering another world and the deeper you go the more attached you get. Becoming emotionally involved in a book is the whole point, why tell a story that doesn't make you think or feel anything? Reading these books I became attached to Daenerys Stormborn Targeryen and she began to mean something much more than just a character in a book. A symbol. 
The day I went to get it I remember being angry at another one of my exes, I could feel it flowing through my veins like fire. A fire that burned in my chest too. At this point I was probably 25 or 26 and living in West Hollywood, CA. I walked less than half a block up to Sunset Boukevard to get my tattoo in the shop directly across from the Viper Room and next to Whiskey-A-Go-Go. It was an amazing place and I got out all the hurt and pain. I channeled all my anger and frustration into that little needle and I put that symbol on my arm. It's been over ten years and I feel more connected to her character than ever as it still continues to evolve. She has left a lasting impression on me, for which I thank Mr. Martin. Thank you for giving me the hope I needed to keep going when all I wanted to do was give up. The three-headed-dragon is the sigil of House Targaryen, marking me as a dragon - and a symbol of strength. Strength from within. 

Don't Just Keep Swimming, Go For A Swim & Enjoy Doing It

I just freaking love this video! πŸ’¦πŸ’πŸ’¦ I love turtles so much anyway, to me they are my zodiac symbol. While I don't believe in that I do believe that certain traits are more common at certain times of year, etc. I am a Cancer and I really fit the definition perfectly, while some people are more blended. Either way, to me it's just one way man has attempted to understand the stars' effects on us and how timing in cycles affect outcomes of individual events. Normally a Cancer is a crab, but I feel a turtle is a much better representation  And it works too, it fits all the same properties of the crab that are used for its representation of its people. Turtles are beautiful creatures with intricate and strong shells that are more than just something pretty to look at, it also provides a home and hiding place for the turtle. He can withdrawal whenever he doesn't feel safe. A lot like me. I could go on and on, let's just say I've taken a big liking to turtles now. Something about it in my gut feels right so I go with it. After feeding giant sea turtles you can't get much better, but I just loved watching this little guy go for a swim. I hadn't seen this particular turtle swim like this before and it was cool being right there and getting to watch as he swam right across my view. 
It relaxes me so much to watch them when they glide so effortlessly in the water. They just use smooth, wide, strong arc waves from their front appendages to propel themselves forward. Slowly and steadily the strength of each push combines to move the turtle along quite speedily. 
He made me smile. As you start your day today remind yourself to take it easy. Take a deep breath and slow down a couple times today. Be mindful. Take 15 seconds to pause, breathe deeply and clear your head and focus only on what you are doing right now - that is what mindfulness is. Try it today, use it to help you glide along like this fella. Don't just go through your life, enjoy it. Don't forget about living the life your so busy worrying and stressing away. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Introducing "The Wisdom of Joy From Jerry" - Who You Are

What do we do?  We Find Our Joy & Share It! Find and seek out those around us who have Joy and more Joy to share. It only makes sense to find people with an abundance of Joy built up and befriend them. Gain from their knowledge. What's crazy is that so many of these people are all around us and we don't even see. Our family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and so many more. Take advantage of this, and of the people you come across in your day to day life. Be more patient and slow down, observe the world around you and interact with the people in it. There are all different kinds of us, with our own personal paths to Joy. This next voice has seen a lot, from being an elected civil servant to being an active duty military officer overseas; his Joy has come from many places and evolved over all this time. It still continues to evolve. He retired from the telecommunications industry with a history being an electrician, fireman and an engineer and having worked both in the public and private sectors, including working for the government. A new and unique perspective I can't wait to hear. The reason I go on and on is because this voice is actually really very special to me, the voice of a man that I love and respect very much. One I have heard my whole life, the voice of my father.


Joy. What gives you Joy in life changes over time. It's not the same now as it was before or it will be someday. You evolve, your outlook evolves, and as a person you grow. You have to be careful as well; you can think something brings you Joy one minute and quickly find out it doesn't. Life is full of ups and downs, there are disappointments all the time. There is really only one way to survive - perspective. As you grow older you begin to overcome the ups and downs easier and easier. There is a lot of bad, it doesn't always go the way you want or the way you plan. The important thing is how you handle it, how you take it and your faith throughout it.
We go through life working, raising a family, and living a life. Along with that we all want nice things like new cars or phones and all kinds of other earthly things. We get happiness and Joy from different things as we age, and with those different things come different levels of fulfillment and tangible, usable, Joy. As a young man and growing up I got Joy from the success of getting and accomplishing the things I wanted for my family. Now, being finally retired, I get the gift of spending three to four days a week watching my grandson. I get to watch him play and grow up and laugh and learn, things I didn't get to always see before as I worked. This time that I have now really is a gift, and my grandson brings me so much Joy. I love the time that we have together, it's invaluable. 
Just remember this, who you are is what you do with everything that comes at you in life - the good and the bad.