Sunday, April 5, 2015

Pruning The Palms

I don't know why but my favorite scissors are the long metal old fashioned ones, just like the ones from art class. I love the smoothness and how they feel in my hand. Even more I love how perfectly they can cut through almost anything. It's important in life to remember that our plants aren't the only things that need pruning. Our lives are filled with excess; excess time, excess involvements and even excess friends. Sometimes there are people that we just have to cut ourselves away from in order to keep ourselves healthy, happy and thriving. It doesn't mean you can't help someone when they really need it, but it's about taking the things out of your life that are dragging you down and holding you back. Removing those barriers to joy in your life is a power that belongs solely to you. A good example that I see everyday is that of the palm trees that grow all around and line almost every street. There are some trees that look terrible because no one has trimmed the dead fronds that hang from top to bottom of the tree. It looks as if every palm frond ever grown still hangs limply against the still healthy trunk. It looks bad. Then there's the tree next to it, or across the street, that doesn't have any dead gray fronds and looks healthy and thriving. Those are the nice ones, the healthy ones. The strong ones. There are times in life that we must let things go. The key is to continually be casually on the lookout for things in your life that drag you down or discourage you in any way. Things that stand in the way of your path to joy. Those obstacles must be removed. Before we can do that though we must first identify what we are dealing with. Take some time and think about your life and things that you are worried about. Are there things that you can take out of your life? Is there somewhere you can cut back and instead do something you want with someone you love. Remember we only have one shot at this one life. Don't waste time letting excess baggage accumulate and weigh you down so that even if you are growing you won't be able to see it. 

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