Thursday, February 4, 2016

Finding Joy In The Everyday Versus Finding Your Personal Joy

As we start down this new road I feel that it is important to distinguish between two very different things. Joy exists on two different levels so to speak. There is the joy they we have to find in the day to day situations we are put in as well as finding the things that personally bring us joy. The difference has to do with adapting and paving your own way. There will always be bad things happening around us and to us, from now until forever. We have no control over the world, only ourselves and our own reactions. It is a constant daily struggle for most of us to find joy when it seems like nothing in our lives is going right. I still spend most of my day consciously trying to turn my thinking around. It isn't easy, it's something that takes time and practice. It isn't always pretty either. This is where the whole definition of Joy comes into play. Joy doesn't mean plastering an unwavering smile on your face when tough times arise, it means acknowledging all the bad around you and instead choosing to focus on the good things - the things that make you happy to be here on this earth right now. Life will always have its downs, just as it will always have its ups. By holding onto our own joy we can keep ourselves going. This is now where the second form of joy comes into play, that joy that you learn to hold on to for dear life is your own personal joy. What makes you happy? What interests you? What are your passions? We are all unique individuals with vastly different tastes, but each of us have those things that make us happy to be alive. Whether it's listening to rain through the open window or the smell of chocolate chip cookies, all that matters is that they are important to us. Finding your personal joy and holding on to it gives you the strength and guidance you need to find the joy in each and every day as you face it and fight to be happy. By holding tightly to our own joy we allow ourselves to clearly see our struggles for what they really are. Whether peaceful or hectic, stressful or relaxing, there will always come a point where you will need the strength that comes from the joy inside of each of us. The difficult part is tapping into that and learning how to harness it. It takes time. Get to know yourself, explore what you like. Explore what you don't like, what you don't know. Be adventurous. Live. 
Coming up I am going to delve into something I've been thinking about a lot lately - "The 5 Rays" or 5 Rules To Live A Joy-Filled Life. These five principles I hope will help all of us recognize how to live a more joy-filled life! Find Your Joy & Share It!! 👣🕶☀️🌎 

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