Saturday, March 12, 2016

Rule #5 - Find Your Joy & Share It - Part 2

Here we are - the end is in sight! Well, the end of this lesson at least, the end of our troubles will never come. We can celebrate now though because we have 5 more tools, or rules, to help guide us on this windy path. First off, life is never clearly defined, there will always be gray areas. Secondly, the only limit to our dreams is our own effort, we are the ones who make our dreams reality. Thirdly, the expression of joy that connects us is love and if you want someone to show you love you must first be open and then be willing to treat them with the same respect. Fourth on our list, those difficult times that come second after second and day after day will never quit and the only thing we can do is lean to adapt. Fifth, in life we must find our joy and hold on to it so that it can keep us going through those dark tough times and help us grow through experience. Lastly, we must share that joy with others. We are all going through stressful times, whether they are large or small it doesn't matter. We are all connected to each other because we are all alive; we are all part of one big web of life that keeps us held together. We are all human and we all make mistakes, many many mistakes. Some over and over even. The point is that at any time any given one of us is going through some degree of stress, varying degrees of gray areas and levels of stress. By finding your own way you find your own joy and can use that to help carry and fuel you through the not-so-happy times. If we are all going through things why not support each other. It's not that hard. It's as easy as sharing what you already have, what you spent all that time looking for - your joy. The thing about joy is that it is limitless and boundless. No matter how much of it you share there will always be more than enough left for you. On top of that, in a karma-esque way, it comes back to you ten-fold. When you share with others and bring joy, maybe some peace and understanding as well, into their lives it brings joy into yours as well. Those rewards are immeasurable. 
There are two ways that we can share our joy with the world around us, or more to say two different kinds of joy to share. The first kind is the normal, general kind of joy that is common among most of us. This includes things like general acts of kindness; holding the door open for the person behind you, letting someone merge into traffic in front of you, sending a card to your friend when they are in the hospital, the list goes on and on. The point is that these are acts of kindness that spread joy in a normal everyday kind of way. The second kind would be more of an individual way. Finding our joy is a journey that helps us get closer to ourselves and learn what really makes us happy and what we want out of life. The things that we come across speak to each of us uniquely, which gives us an opportunity to help others in our own way. For example, it took me a while to figure out how to use it effectively, but I realized my passion was writing. When I write I feel alive like no other time in my life. I am creating something of my own and I am able to pour my heart onto paper and really open up to people. In that way I hope to make some small impact on this world that lasts even a little bit longer than I do. That is where this blog came from, that is why I put everything into it and don't hold back. If I have the chance to help someone or make someone think about things in a different way it is worth it. Find your joy, make it your own. Then live it so that when you encounter others you can share it with them. The sky is limitless with possibilities and there is more than enough room for everyone. Take flight and let your life take off. Learn to live in the present, then learn how to enjoy it. 

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