Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tami Tuesdays #6 - Decompression

Decompression! After a stressful day, I can't think of anything better to do than get home and relax. A relaxing shower, a nice dinner and perhaps a glass of wine or two. Now is also the time to start thinking about summer trips. I believe that another way to decompress is to start planning a vacation. You don't have to go anywhere either, my favorite Staycation was doing some Urban Camping in the back yard. Just having the thought is something to look forward to and it is very relaxing knowing you have something planned for yourself coming up! As for me, I am planning to go to visit my grandson very soon and I can't wait. I hope everyone is planning a wonderful time this summer! 

Tami is right, having something to look forward to can be an amazing inspiration and motivation through tough times. I have come to find that most of the time I need something to look forward to or plan for in my head to help deal and make it through the day. Sometimes it's planning a trip and sometimes it's planning which shows or movies to watch that night with whatever we decide to make for dinner. The point isn't to focus on the future and forget about the present, but to live mindfully with the reminder in the back of your head that you can push on through whatever is happening because at the very least you have something awesome on the horizon. It is funny that today of all days Tami felt inspired by planning a trip because I just yesterday bought round-trip plane tickets for my husband and I to fly to Tennessee in June for my birthday where I will be able to actually see and hang out with her! I can't wait! 

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