Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Introducing "The Wisdom of Joy From Jerry" - Who You Are

What do we do?  We Find Our Joy & Share It! Find and seek out those around us who have Joy and more Joy to share. It only makes sense to find people with an abundance of Joy built up and befriend them. Gain from their knowledge. What's crazy is that so many of these people are all around us and we don't even see. Our family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and so many more. Take advantage of this, and of the people you come across in your day to day life. Be more patient and slow down, observe the world around you and interact with the people in it. There are all different kinds of us, with our own personal paths to Joy. This next voice has seen a lot, from being an elected civil servant to being an active duty military officer overseas; his Joy has come from many places and evolved over all this time. It still continues to evolve. He retired from the telecommunications industry with a history being an electrician, fireman and an engineer and having worked both in the public and private sectors, including working for the government. A new and unique perspective I can't wait to hear. The reason I go on and on is because this voice is actually really very special to me, the voice of a man that I love and respect very much. One I have heard my whole life, the voice of my father.


Joy. What gives you Joy in life changes over time. It's not the same now as it was before or it will be someday. You evolve, your outlook evolves, and as a person you grow. You have to be careful as well; you can think something brings you Joy one minute and quickly find out it doesn't. Life is full of ups and downs, there are disappointments all the time. There is really only one way to survive - perspective. As you grow older you begin to overcome the ups and downs easier and easier. There is a lot of bad, it doesn't always go the way you want or the way you plan. The important thing is how you handle it, how you take it and your faith throughout it.
We go through life working, raising a family, and living a life. Along with that we all want nice things like new cars or phones and all kinds of other earthly things. We get happiness and Joy from different things as we age, and with those different things come different levels of fulfillment and tangible, usable, Joy. As a young man and growing up I got Joy from the success of getting and accomplishing the things I wanted for my family. Now, being finally retired, I get the gift of spending three to four days a week watching my grandson. I get to watch him play and grow up and laugh and learn, things I didn't get to always see before as I worked. This time that I have now really is a gift, and my grandson brings me so much Joy. I love the time that we have together, it's invaluable. 
Just remember this, who you are is what you do with everything that comes at you in life - the good and the bad.

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