Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Brush Yourself Off

I made it through today; a small yet noble victory for me. With our licensing survey finishing at work, potential clients visiting, investigations, appointments and so much more I thought I was going to lose it today. On this ten hour day I really believed my nerves were going to just burn themselves out. Of course I had my partner coaching me along through iMessage all day long. I made a decision on my own though to throw it all out the window. I literally took all day today minute by minute. I only made sure all the paperwork was done and then just started in with no hesitations, look backs or flash forwards. It was like every minute hit the restart button. I have been trying to do this for years and I have never been able to truly master it before now. Maybe it was because of the stress, my support, my situation or a combination of all three. Whatever it was, I took it and ran. I used that fuel to keep me going today when all I wanted to do was give up and collapse in the corner. I know it will still be difficult but now I know that I can do it. No excuses. 
I don't know how it happened. I just know that it worked. You have to just push those thoughts and worries out of your mind. You already know they aren't realistic anyway, it's just too hard to push them away. So take it one minute at a time. Literally. Just focus on what you have to do right now and don't think about anything else. I realized today that by doing that you not only prevent yourself from a lot of pain and anguish but you also allow yourself to truly live. Live life in the moment the way it is meant to be lived and enjoyed. In life spiderwebs are everywhere, in the corners, the bushes or the trees. They spring up overnight and can tangle us up without us even seeing what's happening. Those twisted traps are made sticky, so as to cling on and suck the life right from us. It's up to us to admit when we are caught and have the integrity and courage to brush ourselves off and keep going like normal. Because it is normal. Life is normal, because there isn't such thing as normal. Life is random and crazy and wild and unpredictable. We have to keep our eyes open and guard up so that when those problems blindly try to tear us down we can see them for what they are and move on. There will always be spiderwebs. Everyday a new one, or maybe two new ones. The more we let things bother us the more those cobwebs build up until we have wrapped ourselves in our own cocoon of misery. Stop it before it happens, stop it when you feel it starting and get rid of the cobwebs caught up in your hair and on your leg and everywhere else. Brush it off and keep going. There isn't any other choice except misery. Do you have any cobwebs stuck to you, demons you are carrying around? Take a second and really think. You can make your life better, easier, more productive and more joyful. The choice is yours.

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