Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Through Closing Doors

Life is a journey filled with doors, doors that open up to whole new worlds and adventures and doors that either open up to nothing or are closed shut tight enough to seal them off for a lifetime. It's important that you know which doors are open to you and which ones should be closed. Our lives are merely a combination of the doors we've opened and the repercussions that always come along. We can always stay stagnant or we can constantly challenge ourselves to evolve and grow. When you see a door you want or one you feel is right and it's open to you don't hesitate. So many times in life doors that were meant for us close before we can make it through. Some doors have long spanning windows and most are only open for a brief second. We have to always be alert and have our hearts and minds open to new experiences seeking us out. Just as important, we have to be alert for the doors that deceive us and lead nowhere. Or the doors that will never open because they were never meant for us. Running into a closed door can be painful and traumatic, but remind yourself that while this door closes another opens. You may not be able to see it now, but it's there I promise. Later you'll look back and laugh at your foolishness. That's life. It's door after door after door, ceaseless and never ending. It seems sometimes like the doors we are struggling at were never meant to be opened anyway. A flat concrete wall with nothing but a stone frame. Don't deceive yourself when your losing or down and out, realize that's not your door and get up off your ass and find yours. 

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