Sunday, February 15, 2015

It's All In the Little Traditions

Every family has their own traditions and beliefs. Each of us have our own traditions and beliefs. I grew up in a world where my parents taught my brother and I the importantance of tradition. It is what helps hold people together, what helps us hold ourselves together. The traditions and things we did when I was growing up have become endearing memories and part of my regular routine. Those memories are some of the most important and special memories I have. What is more, not only do I get that warm feeling inside but I also have the chance to relive that practice now and make new memories that will always be tied to the history behind them. For example, every year for Christmas we would go and pick out our own tree somewhere and cut it down ourselves. Every year no matter what we had a nice new tree. I still remember how it made the house smell, it is one of the reasons that to this day I love the smell of pine. While I may not have been able to keep that tradition up in my adult life, I mean living in California makes it a little difficult, I still have a tree every year decorated with the ornaments I had when I was a kid. Those are so important to me, they mean a lot. I have had them for so long, and will have them for much longer. They remind me of my parents and my brother and growing up and the love between all of us. This all came to mind over Valentine's Day because one of my favorite traditions occurs on Valentine's Day. Traditions and events don't have to be big to be important or meaningful. Even the smallest little things stick with us and we carry them in our hearts and minds for the rest of our lives. Anyway, every Valentine's Day morning my mom would put the red tablecloth down on the dining room table and make a big breakfast. When my brother and I came down to eat before school we would both be excited to see a card next to a little red heart-patterned plastic basket with with a tall thin white plastic handle. Inside the basket was always candy hearts, with messages of love and silliness. Our favorite candy was always there as well next to the card, but the best part of all was the wrapped present that was always waiting. For as long as I can remember my parents have gotten my brother and I a book for Valentine's Day. It could be something we wanted to read or something my mom found that she knew we would like or that would benefit us. It was silly and exciting. I began looking forward to the book each year, and of course my mom would always write something on the inside cover along with the date. I still have all the books I've gotten. Last year I got a Stephen King book that I can see right now sitting on the bookshelf next to "Where the Sidewalk Ends." This year, since I still have so many books to read and am currently reading one of my favorite books that my parents got me for Christmas, my mom sent me a Barnes & Noble gift card so that I could go pick out whichever book I wanted or get one on my new nook device. On the card she told me to send her a picture of the book or books I picked out. The card is inside the front cover of my book from last year, safely on the shelf and preserved in my memory. I used the gift card to buy two sequential Star Wars books from the nook online store, ones I can't wait to read. I know it sounds nerdy, but I love Star Wars. My brother and I both did growing up. In middle school I think the only books I read outside of class were Star Wars novels, every single one in the library. The memories, the memories. Now I can jump back in and escape to a place of awesome fun. The inner geek in me is jumping up and down cheering. I will of course always remember how I got those two new books and every time I look at the cover or read one of them it will remind me how much my parents love me and how much they have encouraged my brother and I to learn, achieve and better ourselves. What else could I ask for? Those books are little treasures I will never forget.
Something small an inconsequential, yes, but something small that brings me joy whenever I see or remember it. What's wrong with having a bunch of silly little traditions? Nothing. It just gives us more chances to remember and smile and reflect back while we look forward. Every year I do Valentine's cards for my friends or co-workers, the ones from the store with my favorite movie or cartoon character. No matter what, every year. I do it because I just love it, and I love being silly and having fun. I also do it because I want other people to see that I do value them and hopefully it will make at least one person smile and have a better day. What do you do for Valentine's Day? Anything special? Maybe you already do and you just don't realize it because you haven't put a label on it. Traditions can be good ways to remember those we've lost and those we miss. By carrying on the torch and making new memories in a salute to the past we keep the spirit of our loved ones alive. It gives us a way to show we love and remember and will continue to, a way to remind ourselves of just how important those around us really are.
I have so many little traditions it's crazy. I have the coffee cup that my mom gave me when I went to college. It is her "Friends" coffee mug that she used every day when I was growing up, I remember it so well. I have it out and I use it when I feel down or sad or I miss my mom and it helps cheer me up. What else is a photograph but a reminder of a past event we cherish in some way? Looking at a picture should bring us joy as we remember life, because even the bad things that have happened to all of us have shaped us into the people we are today. Even if one little event or accident had been different you wouldn't be the person you are, not that you can do anything about that anyway.
Traditions can be something you do yearly on a holiday or something you do every day when you get up and get ready for work in the morning. Things like the way I get dressed and in what order and the way I put my lunch together along with the overall routine of my morning schedule are all insignificant yet important things in my day that bring me comfort. That comfort gives me joy, it makes me feel better. Create a tradition today, make it a new habit you want to start or a goal you want to accomplish. Maybe you need to quit smoking and every day you abstain you get a whiskey on the rocks before bed (just kidding, your liver probably couldn't handle that) or maybe every day you go without yelling at anyone or getting angry you get to watch an episode of your favorite show on DVD before bed. There are so many things to come up with, limitless possibilities and all specific to each of us making these traditions a part of our identity and a way to boost ourselves up with no effort but remembering. Think about the different traditions or practices you have upheld in your life from childhood and remember where they came from and started. Those are the things that motivate us and keep us going. We are the ones responsible for moving ourselves forward in this world, we might as well give ourselves as much fuel as we can carry. 

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